Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Tabuh Rah / Balinese Cock Fight

Tabuh Rah is the sprinkling of blood Tabuh star who carried the victim in a series of religious ceremonies (Yadnya). Rah Tabuh implemented with "penyambleh", disertarai Upakara Yadnya. Tabuh Rah in the form of "war sata" is a drsta prevailing in society that its implementation may be replaced with "penyambleh". Sata War is a chicken fight held in a series of religious ceremonies (Yadnya). In this case the chicken used is sawungan. As performed telung perahatan (3 party)
has the meaning of the magical number three as a symbol of beginning middle and end. While penyambleh is sowing the sacrificial animal blood by cutting the animal's neck or stabbed with a dagger. In the era of Majapahit termed a "hack sugar chicken" Sowing is carried out with nyambleh blood, war sata (telung perahatan) equipped with a race-complaint: pecan, egg, coconut, Andel, Andel, along uakaranya.
Why use blood?. This is because blood is considered mengadung magical power, to give spiritual strength. Essentially devoted to the Tabuh Rah Bhucari Bhuta, Kala and Durga Bhucari Bhucari not used to Pitra and gods.
The word kala means energy, it also means time. Bhuta kala means the energy that arises. In philosopis states bhuta time is something that tibul negative force due to disharmony between the macrocosm (Bhuana great) with the microcosm (Bhuana alit) which by human disharmony was personified as evil spirits or the supernatural that can disturb the tranquility of human life. Human being has a relationship with bhuta kala. Daalam ejection Kanda could say that humans are born not alone but accompanied by four brothers called the chess relatives. Fourth brother when recognized and maintained will provide a positive force that helped human life. And if ignored will lead to negative forces that interfere with human life.
Rah Tabuh held at places and times when the ceremony took place by the yajamana. At one time anyway dedamping sata accompanied whose meaning as a representation or embodiment of the yajamana keiklasan beryadnya, and not motivated gambling. Rah is a function of Tabuh sequence / series of rituals / ceremonies Religion (Yadnya).
The ceremony which accompanied by Bhuta Yadnya sata war are:
  • Caru Panca Kelud (Pancasanak Madurgha).
  • Caru Rsi Ghana.
  • Caru Balik sumpah.
  • Tawur Agung.
  • Tawur Labuh Gemtuh.
  • Tawur Pancawalikrama.
  • Tawur Eka Dasa Rudra.

In the implementation of Tabuh Rah must have a permission to the authorities. Because Tabuh Rah is not A Gambling,Tabuh Rah is a series of ceremonies Of Balinese Hinduism  (Yadnya).But now even misunderstood Tabuh Rah is people are holding more than 3 sehet/3 Fights.

The rules Are

a. Held just three Cocks Fight.
b. Equipped with race-complaint pecan, eggs, coconut.
c. The presence upakara Yadnya at the time.
d. The existence of dedamping Gambling,is not motivated to sacrifice for gambling but as the embodiment    of sincerity to sacrifice for Yadnya.
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